World War II War propagandists were some of the best marketing agents in history. One of my favorite things to discover are old war ads from the 1940s. They are heartfelt, creative, and downright comical sometimes.
I found two recently at a local museum in my county. These two war ads can be seen in The Little Red Schoolhouse Paulding County Museum, right next to my son’s middle school in Dallas, Georgia. After years of sitting in car line and wondering what was inside the first schoolhouse in the county turned museum, I finally went in to see!

It's funny that the first ad promises advanced rates to “qualified construction men.” They were obviously looking for a certain skill set. I also love how the second ad implores one to “don’t read American history – make it.” That can still apply to us today. Also at the museum is a Japanese regimental battle flag captured in the South Pacific and a list of those in the county who made the ultimate sacrifice in World War I through the Iraq War.
If you would like to see the ads and flag for yourself as well as many Indian and Civil War artifacts, you can visit the museum on the second Saturday of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. History can be found everywhere if you just go inside and look!
