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War Stories
Saving and sharing the memories of our past before they're lost and gone forever

Mar 30, 20152 min read
A Yankee Army Invades Ft. McClellan and the Hearts of Anniston
Before Songbird began in May 1943 and Edwin, Barry, and Sydney ever saw Ft. McClellan, the real-life 27th Division from New York made the...

Nov 21, 20142 min read
The Art of War
Even in war, art must go on! Edouard Patte, a Red Cross Inspector, was surprised to find an art studio when he visited Fort McClellan’s...

May 15, 20141 min read
Love and War
While World War II produced innumerable soldiers, tanks, and warships, it also produced something else – marriages! With the...

May 9, 20141 min read
There are Big Opportunities in the Big City!
When Jason and I talked to older adults at the Fair on the Square a few weeks ago, they all had the same thing to say about Anniston, AL...

Apr 28, 20141 min read
Charles White: Witnessing History
In an earlier post, we learned about the burning of the Alabama Hotel in 1944 and the tragic death of a young war bride. We had the honor...

Apr 4, 20141 min read
When Affordable Health Care Truly Was Affordable
A new hospital just opened next to our subdivision this week. Fittingly, during my recent research, I read about the first hospitals in...
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